All articles tagged with "Femdom"

Lady Nataly was angry as she got into the restroom. She had some food in her hand and she threw it down and she crushed it with her high heels. She took out her anger on the food and she managed to feel better when she was done. But she had created a mess on the floor which she bullied this guy to clean up after her as she did not want to leave it dirty.

When this mistress noticed that this guy she despised wanted to eat the food she had bought, she had to spite him and she did this by crushing the food as he watched. He was hungry and it hurt him watching her destroy the food then dare him to eat it from the floor. He nearly cried as she did so but she did not give a damn about what he felt.

Mistress Lea was bored at home and she had to occupy herself with something in order to stop the boredom. So she used her boots to crush food and she did it for fun. She did not have a lot of hopes in it being entertaining but it was and she was surprised by how it turned out. The mistress loved it and it became a regular thing for him.

This mistress came home expecting a gourmet meal but all she found was pizza and she did not like that. She was trying to cut down on junk eating and that was what pissed her off. She had to express her anger somehow and she did it by crushing the pizza with her bare feet and she made a huge mess of it. Then she asked her chef to eat it from her feet.

Mistress Akasha likes to try all manner of fetishes for the purposes of having fun and that is what she did today. She went out and she bought some food which she later crushed for her own fun and enjoyment. The mistress made a huge mess in the process but she was not worried about it as she was able to get someone else to clean it up for her.

This mistress had given her slave money to go and buy some food for them. She thought he would buy healthy food but he came back with fast food. They had been out on a picnic and when she saw the food he had brought, she was pissed and she punished him. She crushed the food first of all before she crushed his head to send him a stern message.

Lady B was so mad she had to find a way to get rid of her anger. She did not want to take it out on someone who did not deserve it so she took it out on a sausage she saw in her kitchen. She did not care that her slave was about to eat it. She crushed and trampled it until there was nothing left of it and no one would have guessed it was sausage.

When this mistress asked her drunk boyfriend to reduce his drinking, she had to find a way to show him that she was fed up with his drinking. So she prepared food and she ate it. When he came home, she crushed the food with her heels and her feet and then she made him eat it. He was shocked even though he was drunk. And she did it again when he got sober.

Lady B came home and she found her slave baking a cake. She took it out of the oven and she crushed it in anger. She did not understand why he had not done what she had asked him but he was busy baking cakes. He was lucky she took out her anger on the cake and not on him personally. The scared slave rushed to do the right thing.

Lady B went and bought bananas and she used them to dominate her slave. He loved to eat fruits so he did not suspect anything when he saw her buying lots of bananas. But she summoned him to her torture chambers and she crushed the bananas before she asked him to eat them from her boots. He had no choice but to eat them as it was an order not a request.

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